How your donations help


It has become clear that the way forward for the charity is to raise funds for equipment for exclusive use at Townlands, removing the need for more and more patients to travel to Reading or Oxford for treatment. We focus on carefully considered purchases and initiatives to help augment the provision of one stop medical services at our valued Community Hospital.



Ultrasound Scanner

We most recently funded the entire cost of an Ultrasound Scanner for the Rheumatology department. Our purchase of the most advanced Portable Ultrasound Machine is an example of where the charity can make a huge difference and it is enabling treatment for a much larger number of Rheumatology patients locally.


Hand Held Neurological Device

We facilitated a Bid by our Neurological Consultant, for a special hand held device and the underwriting of its cost by the Townlands Action Group. The purchased equipment enables accurate injection of medicinal products.


Opthalmology Equipment

We also secured for the Opthalmology Consultant specialist equipment for the treatment of young children or those with special needs.


Bladder Scanner

In addition, the Urology Department have been provided with a bladder scanner and trolley which means that the visiting consultant can have equipment at his disposal that would normally be available at the John Radcliffe or The Royal Berks.



The Physiotherapy Department are also now the proud owners of a treadmill.


We have also donated:

Rotunda Platform | Bariatric Slings | iPad and further software for speech therapy | Manual Hydro Tilt | Aphasia Testing Software: A user Speaks | Ultra low bed for dementia patients, Peppard Ward | Bariatric bedside chair, Physiotherapy dept | Drinks vending machine for patient, visitors – ward based, Peppard ward, entrance | Riester Naso pharyngoscope x 2 OPD, | Over bed tables x 9 | Peppard Ward | Hospital vehicle for patient use – lease contract Parked on site | Alarm chair pads x 3, Peppard ward | Phlebotomy chair and treatment chair | MIU Rotundas x 2, Peppard ward / OT dept | Air beds x 2, Peppard ward | Examination couches x 2 - MIU treatment room | Extra low electric beds x 10, Peppard Ward | Maxi move hoist, Peppard Ward | IOL master – eye equipment OPD Consulting clinic | Window blinds for all areas, Peppard Ward | Commodes x 4, Peppard Ward | Decorate dayroom, Peppard Ward, side rooms | Wall mounted TV, Peppard Ward, side rooms | Cabinet for log mar charts OPD |

Rotunda Platform | Bariatric Slings | iPad and further software for speech therapy | Manual Hydro Tilt | Aphasia Testing Software: A user Speaks | Ultra low bed for dementia patients, Peppard Ward | Bariatric bedside chair, Physiotherapy dept | Drinks vending machine for patient, visitors – ward based, Peppard ward, entrance | Riester Naso pharyngoscope x 2 OPD, | Over bed tables x 9 | Peppard Ward | Hospital vehicle for patient use – lease contract Parked on site | Alarm chair pads x 3, Peppard ward | Phlebotomy chair and treatment chair | MIU Rotundas x 2, Peppard ward / OT dept | Air beds x 2, Peppard ward | Examination couches x 2 - MIU treatment room | Extra low electric beds x 10, Peppard Ward | Maxi move hoist, Peppard Ward | IOL master – eye equipment OPD Consulting clinic | Window blinds for all areas, Peppard Ward | Commodes x 4, Peppard Ward | Decorate dayroom, Peppard Ward, side rooms | Wall mounted TV, Peppard Ward, side rooms | Cabinet for log mar charts OPD |


In addition to equipment and information documents we have supported educational talks by consultants covering a wide field of disciplines, at the local Bell Surgery. This started in 2017.


 We will continue to identify new areas where our funds can be put to good use in making any patient's visit to Townlands as good an experience as it can be. 
