Ultrasound Scanner
We most recently funded the entire cost of an Ultrasound Scanner for the Rheumatology department. Our purchase of the most advanced Portable Ultrasound Machine is an example of where the charity can make a huge difference and it is enabling treatment for a much larger number of Rheumatology patients locally.
Hand Held Neurological Device
We facilitated a Bid by our Neurological Consultant, for a special hand held device and the underwriting of its cost by the Townlands Action Group. The purchased equipment enables accurate injection of medicinal products.
Opthalmology Equipment
We also secured for the Opthalmology Consultant specialist equipment for the treatment of young children or those with special needs.
Bladder Scanner
In addition, the Urology Department have been provided with a bladder scanner and trolley which means that the visiting consultant can have equipment at his disposal that would normally be available at the John Radcliffe or The Royal Berks.
The Physiotherapy Department are also now the proud owners of a treadmill.